

I'm The Card Deck's JACK!

Name: Emi Crescitelli
Chair: Jack
Soooo hey! I'm George (well, that's my alias: Just George. Really I'm a girl of course XD)
and I'm here becuase I'm pretty good friends with Kayla and Taylor--expect random posts that may
or may not concern anime, music, books, movies, and possibly a TV show every now and then
(I don't watch much XD). Hmm I like pictures, so those may pop up a lot but don't get too
irritated--I LOVE to edit pictures haha. Sometimes it's TOO fun. Okay right, well about me..I'm an
 insomniac--can't help it--and I play videogames, watch movies, and play with my MEGU at night
in my daily quest to catch some ZZzzs! I'm 18 and graduated high school early last January so
I've spent most days researching or just generally screwing around while I wait for August--Basic
Training FINALLY! I maintain two and first being all about an app called Kawaii Pet MEGU,
and the second being a group poetry site--links to my personal works are there as well because
both blogs are actually two linked together XD Well, that's about all I can really think of at the
moment, I hope you enjoy whatever I write in the future!

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